Aquí algunos productos que son de la autoría de Lilia Sixtos y recomendaciónes para la compra por parte de nuestro staff.
“¿Cuántos de nosotros sentimos que nuestras vidas podrían ser diferentes si, cuando éramos niños, nuestros padres y maestros hubieran tenido una comprensión más profunda de nuestras aspiraciones creativas? Criar a un niño que tiene talento artístico, y en cierto modo, así son todos los niños, requiere un nivel particular de conocimiento y habilidad. Para el padre que busca orientación sobre la mejor manera de criar y servir a un niño superdotado, este libro es inmensamente útil.”
– Marianne Williamson
El Arte de Criar a un Artista
(Español – Kindle)
A través de una fresca conversación, la autora Lilia Sixtos, con sus años de experiencia como artista y madre, aborda el tema de criar y apoyar de manera práctica a un joven artista. Holístico y específico, El arte de criar un artista ¡Ay Dios! Mi hijo quiere ser actor es una maravillosa guía para los padres sobre cómo educar a un niño lleno de inspiración, ya sea que su interés se centre en las artes, los deportes, la ciencia o en cualquier otro nicho. Es un libro acerca de abrazar sana y felizmente la pasión de un niño por su propio destino.
El Arte de Criar a un Artista
(Spanish – Pasta suave)
A través de una fresca conversación, la autora Lilia Sixtos, con sus años de experiencia como artista y madre, aborda el tema de criar y apoyar de manera práctica a un joven artista. Holístico y específico, El arte de criar un artista ¡Ay Dios! Mi hijo quiere ser actor es una maravillosa guía para los padres sobre cómo educar a un niño lleno de inspiración, ya sea que su interés se centre en las artes, los deportes, la ciencia o en cualquier otro nicho. Es un libro acerca de abrazar sana y felizmente la pasión de un niño por su propio destino.
La magia del amor
Música para alimentar el espíritu
“How many of us feel our lives might be different if, when we were children, our parents and teachers had had a deeper understanding of our creative aspirations. Raising a child who has artistic talent — and in a way, that is every child — takes a particular level of insight and skill. To the parent looking for guidance in how to best nurture and serve a gifted child, this book is immeasurably helpful.”
– Marianne Williamson
Otras versiones
The Art of Raising an Artist
(English – paperback)
Actor and director, Lilia Sixtos has seen thousands of auditions and taught hundreds of artists. By raising her two creative children, she has learned every possible way a creative person’s journey can be helped or hindered by their parents. In The Art of Raising an Artist, she shows parents how to:
- Identify the best training they can provide for their child within their means
- Develop a safe and loving space for the challenges of their child’s journey
- Create the support team their child needs
- Find their child’s niche
- Fit the needs of their child’s career with the needs of the whole family
The Art of Raising an Artist
(English – Kindle)
Actor and director, Lilia Sixtos has seen thousands of auditions and taught hundreds of artists. By raising her two creative children, she has learned every possible way a creative person’s journey can be helped or hindered by their parents. In The Art of Raising an Artist, she shows parents how to:
- Identify the best training they can provide for their child within their means
- Develop a safe and loving space for the challenges of their child’s journey
- Create the support team their child needs
- Find their child’s niche
- Fit the needs of their child’s career with the needs of the whole family
The Art of Raising an Artist
(English – audiobook)
Actor and director, Lilia Sixtos has seen thousands of auditions and taught hundreds of artists. By raising her two creative children, she has learned every possible way a creative person’s journey can be helped or hindered by their parents. In The Art of Raising an Artist, she shows parents how to:
- Identify the best training they can provide for their child within their means
- Develop a safe and loving space for the challenges of their child’s journey
- Create the support team their child needs
- Find their child’s niche
- Fit the needs of their child’s career with the needs of the whole family